Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lulu Research

Lulu...is cool.

For those who do not know, Lulu.com is a self Publishing website. It lets the author choose all the stuff. Yeeeeeep.

I really thought I would be lost.

At first I had NO idea what to do. I'm doing a children's book. Does that make it a different category? Does that put it under a photo book? GAAAAAAAaah.

And then...I watched a tutorial video. It made me smile. It was so eaaaaaaasy. I still wasn't sure what category a children's book would be under but....you know....Whatever. I decided to mess around. And you know what?

This...is one cool website.

I know, I know. Already said. I just needed to emphasize.

I was all worried about the cover design. Turns out they got an app for that. FOR REAL.

It's sooooo colorful.

Anyway, I went through the process of starting a project and got all the way up to the place I am supposed to upload my files. Of course I don't have any at this time so...eh.

So here are the facts:

  •  Free publishing (you pay only when a print is ordered) On copy of my book will cost about $60 for 40 pages. YIKES
  • I set the price and if anyone else buys it...I get 80% profit. What I set the price to...I dunno. Would anyone buy the book? Probably not. I'll just make the one copy.
  • Cover Designs are easy. 
  • Have to use InDesign or Adobe Acrobat to set up pages.
  • After the Book is completed and officially published it can be shipped in 5-15 business days. 
This is cool. Though there may be something different about how soon I can get it after I finish it.

This little research made me think about something.

I don't have a title for my story. I need to get on that.

Next up: Compare to Publishing Companies.

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