Thursday, April 7, 2011

Aaaand POOF

Ever wake up in the morning and have a great idea? And then you do something and you completely forget what it was? But you do remember that it was a great idea? Well, that happened to me this morning.

I woke up, hair askew and excited with this going through my head "Ohmigod that is the best research idea EVER! This is such a great plan!!  I can't wait to do it!!" And then I turn off my alarm's gone.

No recollection whatsoever.

I read this thing that said that within a few minutes of waking up you forget most of your dream. And then withing 10 minutes you forget all of it. That is if you did start pondering on what the heck it was about the second you wake up. Like yesterday, I had a dream. I remember waking up and being like "That was freaky." and I knew if I didn't concentrate on it, I would forget it. But now I can't remember it anyway. Just that it is likely it was a scary dream and something weird happened in it.

Why do good ideas have to come to you when you dream? You will only forget them and then you feel awful for the rest of the day. Dang it.

Just some trivia, the idea for my story came to me as I was falling asleep. I decided to get up and write it down instead of forgetting it....I'm not sure if the same thing applies to that situation but...anyway.

And good news! In the process of writing this, I have rememberd enough about the dream to be able to tell that there was something about publishing involved....OH MY GOD. I just remembered it all. Thank GOD.

The idea is to look up how to format a book so that it looks professionally done. Cause that is one of the deals with You have to format everything yourself and then upload it in a PDF file...that....was awesome.

I am officially dubbing this the best Blog Post EVER.

So I'll be looking that up later today. :)

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